"The Big J" Chretien hungers for blood! His
signature cry: "Prepare to meet my wrath!" is often
heard on Parliament Hill. In his role as Everlasting Prime
Minister of Canada, Jean is most useful to his friends
the Generals. In exchange for the addition of solid gold
study benches to the House of Commons library, Jean and
his minions handle most of the less important paperwork
that filters through an administration as large as CWD.
International diplomacy is Jean's forte and the Prime
Minister is often sent on "make nice" missions
to the colonies where he is received graciously and patriotic
parades are dutifully organized. As a figurehead Jean
is more than adequate and often contributes to Canada's
ultimate tyranny in his own unique way -- the inflatable
mountie hot air balloon often seen in Ottawa on special
occasions was entirely a product of Jean's Privy Council.