with mounting pressure from our loyal subjects, the CWD
bureaucracy has focused its terrible powers on accumulating
some knowledge that might be useful to our Canuck followers.
The following links are related only in the fevered minds
of The Generals, who would like to remind their readers
that visitation of these sites is NOT mandatory, and in
some cases, might actually be unhealthy. Don't blame us
--- we are only pleasant purveyors of our Propaganda Machine
product and are never legally liable for anything.
Journals & Zines
Sex & Smut
There was great fighting at headquarters to determine
which lucky Canadian brewery would be profiled in our
links page. Hopelessly deadlocked, we called the PR departments
of our favourites and asked them to fight to the death
for the honour in a sand pit outside of Guelph. The Sleeman's
people reigned over the Molson people by clever tag-teaming,
but were eventually defeated by the crafty Moosehead coalition
with their nail-in-a-plank-of-wood tactic.
Canadians in Economic Exile
A.C.E.E. is an online meeting place for members from the
Atlantic provinces who are currently living away from
home. Chat with other exiles, read dirty jokes, get nostalgic
over photos of the East coast and count the days until
you're back in Peggy's Cove.
Impact of Labatt 50 on the Canadian Male
Anthropological examination of the behaviours
associated with "le cinquant".
The Tragically Hip
What self-respecting Canadian page doesn't have a
link to these guys? (Well, Revenue
and Taxation Canada's "Human Sexuality Tax Site"
doesn't, but they should) Pay homage to the boys from
Kingston. And for all those who are "more-indie-than-thou"
here's links to The
Inbreds and Chixdiggit.
Littlest Hobo Appreciation Page
This is probably one of the most useful web sites
on the Internet. Maybe tomorrow, I'm gonna settle down...until
tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on...(sob).
to Dance to Classic Canadian Music
Invaluable guide to the proper kinetics for classic Canuck
rock. They instruct: "You won't see the legs in any
of these dance moves, because in Canadian Rock'n'Roll
dancing, all you need do is try to keep your feet on the
ground and keep beat with your heel or toes."
Do you think we should take care of others? Do you worry
that private property should rightly be in the hands of
the state, especially one run by Generals Claire and Jenny?
Do you realize that capitalism and democracy just don't
work? We agree with you. Join the collective...
World Domination
Is Kitchener, Ontario the birthplace of the "Skwerl"
menace? Schneiders' meats and some of Kitchener-Waterloo's
top brass may be hiding secrets about ecological experiments
gone horribly wrong ...
Happening Happy Hippy Party
A political party brought to you by the British, who
we must credit with giving us such gems as the parliamentary
system, Beef Wellington, and "Withnail and I".
Cool Britannia! Also an alternative to staid old party
politics, this time in Canada, is the No
Name Party. They are: "Democractic. In some ways."
And of course, additionally, there's the National
Anti-Anarchist Party, an organization aiming to "restore
peace to this world through the use of diplomacy rather
than violence." Okay...Hugs and kisses and best wishes
to all of you would-be tyrants!
United Nations
We all wish for world peace. Under Canadian World Domination,
the new peaceful atmosphere will require the maintenance
of the UN for the purposes of pissing off militia nuts
in the USA. Plus, they have some really cool buildings.
Rock on, UN.
Case For Censorship
Think most people are too stupid to handle a free
flow of information and/or ideas? Do you worry that too
many opinions means not enough of the correct-thinking
so thoroughly endorsed by Generals Claire and Jenny? Indulge
your paternalism and read why you should agree to end
free speech.
Alliance Party.net
A spoof site designed to expose the nonsense that is Canada's
(non-Dion) national embarrassment: The Reform/Alliance.
A place where they "take the Canadian threat seriously."
Canadian World Domination
Some guys who ripped off our web site.
Hey, what's up with that?
"Canadians like to portray themselves as a cozy,
hygienic society with no problems: a utopia. We reveal
their dark underbelly."
With Canada
"This site is a response, a defensive reaction to
the annual winter invasion of my beloved state, Florida,
by unwanted, rude, surly, and truly dangerous foreigners."
Heritage Alliance
This "heritage" ie: "white pride"
site linked us beside stormfront.org's White
Power For Kids and Kitchener-Waterloo's Heritage
Front. Yes kids, there are some Canadians out there
who are completely retarded. It's kinda embarrassing,
but then that's the Internet for ya! To return the favour
we've decided to link CHA beside the Nizkor
Project and HateWatch.
"Radical Recipies" for vegan anarchists include
'Josh's Upside Your Face Pudding Sex Cake'. Although the
Generals are highly carnivorous, isn't it interesting
to learn about different lifestyles in order to best gauge
how they can benefit the New World Order?
Was Gother Than You
And he was too.
A Texas Columnist with an excellent grasp of American
failures. He will be commissioned by Canadian World Domination
staff to function as propagandist come the start of our
invasion. Some B.S. Pyle words of wisdom: "The nuclear
arms race is no fun anymore, and I'm at a loss as to what
to do about it. Perhaps it's time we moved on to something
else...My only comfort is that the USA continues to hold
the distinction of being the only nation to actually use
a couple of these bombs on another country during a war."
Drive-In Movie Reviews
Trashy science-fiction films are given the attention
they deserve in these sharply written reviews by amateur
critic, and professional cynic, "Charter."
Bastard Son Of The Lord Home Page
Don't miss "The Messiah's Log" and "Ask
Jesus". Christ also explains bible passages, interpreting
Eph 4:13.22 as, "Meaning, you ain't whole till you
measure up to this shit, baby."
& Zines
Culture jamming and online activism, do you need another
reason to visit?
A "full blown, honest to goodness, packed to the
gills showcase" of Canadian talent in music, multimedia
and literature.
Our front line soldiers have been instructed in the art
of the "evil squint" as demonstrated by Disgruntled
40% political rally, 60% slumber party. Audra could have
named the zine Beaver, but wisely declined!
& Smut
Patricia Marsh House of Domination and Fantasy
We've noticed visitors to our site are often using search
queries that should rightly lead them to this one. In
the spirit of clearing things up, here's the site you
were probably looking for when you found ours!
If you have to buy that hot Canuck lovin', you could do
worse than these ladies.
Toys to play tyrant with.
World Domination
The smother-face-sitting domain name should give you a
good idea of what's going on here.

Content copyright © 1997-2000 Generals Claire
& Jenny, Canadian World Domination
Unauthorized duplication leads to punishment