
This crafty character is our ninja master extraordinaire. Ultra-conservative, ultra-bible, and ultra-Alberta, Preston's deceptively weak voice hides a Canuck will of fire and brimstone. Our Preston cracks down hard on those countries that refuse to fall in line and accept Canadian domination. Although his persuasion tactics are too horrific to contemplate without graphic accompaniment, Preston is known for his 'tough cookie' approach to those more 'liberal' and 'democratic' states. He's putting Swedes and Danes at the back of the shop -- he's got a wicked hairdo -- it's Our Preston!

Slick comes complete with:

  • homophobic pamphlet
  • the ghost of Social Credit
  • holy gospel
  • convenient visible minority in a suit



Comrade Elwy

Content copyright © 1997-2000 Generals Claire & Jenny, Canadian World Domination.
Unauthorized duplication leads to punishment.